School Messenger
School Messenger
One of the main functions of school messenger is to be able to send emergency information out to all parents quickly and efficiently for the safety of the students.
School messenger can send messages via email, phone and text. The email that messages will go to will be the primary email on record in Aeries. Please note, if an email needs to be updated, or additional emails need to be added, please contact the school office or your child's teacher.
School messenger will notify you via phone, email and text once you opt in. To opt in for texts, send "Y" to 67587.
If you receive the message "Service access denied" your phone carrier has short code SMS service disabled/blocked on your account. You can reach out to your carrier to enable the short code SMS service.
School messenger App
The school messenger app can be found on the app store by searching "School Messenger" and click on the first result, or the one that looks like a blue round symbol. Upon opening the app for the first time you will need to sign up for an account and enter in your email address and password. Once logged in and the app does not connect you with any students please contact the front office. For detailed instructions please click here.
Safe Arrival
One of our greatest priorities is ensuring that all our students arrive safely to school every day. To improve our safe arrival process, we are adding a new system that will make it easier for you to report – and respond to – school absences of your student.
The new student absence reporting system will let you use a mobile app, a web site, or an interactive toll-free phone line to report an absence in advance. As a result, it will take the school less time to verify student attendance, and less time to begin to notify parents and guardians of absences that were unexpected or unplanned.
This time savings makes it faster and more efficient to account for all students and their safety.
If your student is marked absent and the absence hasn’t been explained in advance, our new SafeArrival system will be able to rapidly contact you by automated phone call, text message, email, or mobile app push notification to get a reason for the absence. Calls and contacts will continue until you choose an option to explain the absence.
How to sign up to submit absences
1. Go to or download the app and open it. To find the app search "School messenger" in the app store and download the app that has a blue circular icon.
2. Parents/guardians must Sign Up using an email address that appears in each student record for whom they wish to report absences. That email address is imported from Aeries; so make sure that it is up to date and entered accurately.
3. Once signed up, you can use the Forgot Password link if needed.
How to submit Absences
Using the website:
1. Go to
2. Sign in with your credentials (if you do not have them please see above)
3. Select "Report an absence"
4. Select the student, date and type of the absence
5. Click send.
For more information please click here.
Once created you can go into the website any time before the absence and delete it or edit it.
Using the phone:
1. Call 1(833)-802-6401
2. Follow the instructions on the phone and select the student, the date and the absence reason using the keypad.
3. Once all questions has been answered the absence have been created.
School Messenger Frequently Asked Questions
1. I texted YES to 67587 and I received an error message "Service Access Denied"
You are receiving the following error message because your phone carrier has short code SMS service disabled/blocked on your account. You can reach out to your carrier to enable the short code SMS service.