Technology » Chromebooks


All students grades 3 through 12 will have a school Chromebook checked out to them. This will be their Chromebook that they will take with them from grade to grade until the Chromebook reaches its end of life. If your child leaves the school or graduates, make sure you hand the Chromebook in to the office. 
Login Information
All students are automatically created a student email once enrolled in the school. The format of the email is as follows:
(first initial of first name)(entire last name)(two digit birth month)(2 digit birth day)
or example: If the name was John Smith, born on February 18th, the email would be [email protected].
For password assistance, please refer to your teacher, and they will be able to reset it for you.
Chromebook Care
It is very important that these Chromebooks are treated with care. These Chromebooks are property of San Jacinto Valley Academy and they are sensitive machines. The screen is especially susceptible to damage. Make sure to not force a Chromebook into a backpack, or place it in a situation where a large amount of pressure is exerted on to it. Do not stack anything on top of the Chromebook, and do not leave it in a backpack out in the rain. You may place a small sticker with your name on the Chromebook to identify it, but please do not cover the Chromebook with stickers.
Please note: Intentional damage or damage caused by misuse of the Chromebook will result in potential fees that will need to be paid before another Chromebook is issued.
Procedure for damaged/lost Chromebooks
Students can report lost or damaged Chromebooks to their teacher, and can come down to the IT office during school hours to report any issues. The cost associated with fixing issues is as follows:
Lost charger: $20
Any physical damage that needs to be repaired: $50
Lost Chromebook: $100
Please fill out the form below and bring in cash or a check written to SJVA to have issues resolved.