SJVA Aviation » Advisory Committee

Advisory Committee

San Jacinto Valley Academy’s Aviation Advisory Committee serves to collaborate with stakeholders in the profession and community to help guide and advise our program. This committee plays an important part aligning our aviation program with relevant career fields and current job market demands. Our first meeting was on December 14, 2018, and continue to meet three times a year. Committee Members
  • Phil Anady – SJVA Dean of Secondary / Director of Aviation / Pilot
  • John Marselus: California Baptist University – Aviation Department Chair
  • Paul Foster: Federal Aviation Administration Riverside
  • Sid Burks: CSUSB Career Technical Education Faculty / Pilot
  • Tom Evans: SJVA Aviation Instructor, Airline Transport Pilot – Airplane & Helicopter, Retired Fish and Game Pilot
  • Steve Boove: Retired SkyWest A&P
  • Merle Petrovich: American Airlines Pilot
  • Kyle Washburn: Local Farmer / Pilot
  • Steve Staudenmeir: Hemet Model Masters
  • Randy Morris: American Airlines Pilot
  • Robert Galleta: Detective Sergeant / Remote Pilot
  • Jason Venable: Community Member / Pilot
  • Mike Venable: Community Member / Pilot
  • Jason Espinosa: SJVA Teacher / Advanced Ground Instructor / Remote Pilot


SJVA is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization