Creative Writing 2022-2023 » Nicholas Padilla

Nicholas Padilla

My name is Nicholas Padilla, and I am a creative writing enthusiast. I first discovered my love for writing during my senior year of high school when I stumbled upon a creative writing class. At first, I was hesitant to take the class since I had never considered myself a writer. However, I decided to give it a shot and ended up falling in love with the art of storytelling.

Star Wars Poem

A long time ago in a galaxy far away,

A story was told that still resonates today. 

It's the tale of the Jedi and the Sith, 

Of the Force, the lightsabers, and the myth.

The heroes of this saga are many and bold,

Luke, Leia, Han, and Chewie, to name a few so old. 

Their mission was to save the galaxy from the dark, 

And bring peace to the people, who were torn apart.

The villains were equally fierce and strong,

Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader, who did wrong.

 Their goal was to rule with an iron fist, 

And crush the Rebellion, which they dismissed.

But the Force was strong with the heroes' side,

Their courage and determination could not be denied.

They fought bravely and with all their might,

To restore the balance of the Force and bring back the light.

The battles were epic, the moments grand,

With the Millennium Falcon soaring through the land.

 And the lightsabers glowing bright and true,

As Jedi and Sith clashed, their fate to pursue.

The music was stirring, the visuals stunning,

As the story unfolded, with twists and cunning. 

And the message of hope, of love and redemption, 

Made Star Wars an enduring sensation.

So let us celebrate this epic tale,

Of a galaxy far away, that will never pale.

May the Force be with us, always and forever,

As we journey with the heroes, and their endeavor

My Original Song  “Heartbroken”

Verse 1

You were the one I dreamed of,

My heart was yours, you had my love.

I gave you all, but you took more,

And left me shattered on the floor.


You were all I ever wanted,

But you tricked me and broke my heart.

I thought we'd never be parted,

But you tore my love apart.

Verse 2

I trusted you with all my soul,

But you played me, left me alone.

You lied to me, and made me believe,

That we had something real, that we could achieve.


You were all I ever wanted,

But you tricked me and broke my heart.

I thought we'd never be parted,

But you tore my love apart.

Verse 3

I gave you everything I had,

But you just used me, made me sad.

I wish I could turn back time,

And erase you from my mind.


You were all I ever wanted,

But you tricked me and broke my heart.

I thought we'd never be parted,

But you tore my love apart.

Verse 4

Now I'm moving on, leaving you behind,

Hoping that someday, I'll find,

Someone who'll love me for who I am,

And won't trick me, won't break my heart again.

Baseball Is Like Life

Baseball, the great American game

So much more than just winning fame

It's a metaphor for life itself

Where lessons abound, like books on a shelf

At home plate, we stand alone

With a bat in hand, we take our throne

Facing down the pitcher's might

We learn to stand tall and fight

We step up to the plate, ready to swing

But sometimes, we miss everything

It's a reminder that failure's part of the deal

And that we can always come back and heal

When we hit a homerun, we feel on top

But there's no time to stop and bop

We run the bases, with determination and pace

Forgetting the past, and focused on the race

In the field, we learn to be a team

With each other, we share the dream

We back each other up, and play our part

For the good of the team, with all our heart

In baseball, we learn to strive for success

But also that sometimes, we need to address

The lessons of failure, and the courage to try

To get up and keep moving, and never say die

So as we play this game of life

Let's remember the lessons of strife

And take what baseball can teach

So that we may strive, and never be out of reach

Someone You Loved

I once loved someone so dear,

Their voices are like music to my ear.

But they played me like a fool,

And broke my heart, oh so cruel.

Their words were sweet and full of love,

Like the wings of a gentle dove.

But beneath the surface, I soon found,

Their true intentions were unbound.

They twisted words and spun me 'round,

Their lies are like chains that held me down.

I thought our love was pure and true,

But they had other plans to pursue.

I trusted them with all my heart,

But they tore it apart, piece by part.

Now I'm left with nothing but pain,

And memories of love in vain.

So I bid farewell to the one I loved,

The one who tricked and played and shoved.

I'll heal my heart, and move on with grace,

And find love that's true, in a better place

The Game of Baseball

Baseball's a river

It ebbs and it flows

Baseball´s a thriller 

What's next, nobody knows

Baseball´s a relationship 

It can break your heart 

Baseball´s a museum 

Filled with history and art 

Baseball is family 

Your children, your wife

Baseball´s a pleasure 

Baseball is Life

Anakin Skywalker

Anakin Skywalker, a name of fame

A Jedi knight with a troubled claim

A force so strong, yet so unrefined

A path unclear, a destiny intertwined

From the sands of Tatooine he arose

A young boy with dreams and woes

Taken in by Qui-Gon's grace

His fate in motion, a Jedi's embrace

Trained by Obi-Wan, his skills grew

A padawan with much to prove

A hero in the Clone Wars' strife

But darkness lurked, consuming his life

The fall of the Republic, a Jedi purge

His love for Padmé, a forbidden urge

The lure of power, the Sith's seduction

Anakin fell, lost in destruction

Now Darth Vader, a name feared

His heart consumed, his past cleared

A servant of the Emperor's rule

A galaxy plunged into a darkened duel

But in the end, redemption found

His love for Luke, his son, unbound

He sacrificed himself, a final act

Anakin Skywalker, a hero intact

I loved you

I love you, more than I ever loved me

I lost myself trying to find you

Trying to save us

Now we're both gone

I lost myself, I don't know who I am

But I know who I want to be

Darth Vader

Dark lord of the Sith, with his helmet black as night,

Darth Vader strides across the galaxy, 

wielding power and might. His breath a rasping whisper, 

his voice an ominous growl, He commands the forces of evil,

 with an iron-fisted scowl.

Once a Jedi Knight, now consumed by hate and fear,

He stands as a symbol of darkness, to all who draw near.

His lightsaber burns with crimson fire, as he strides into battle, 

And those who stand against him, soon learn to rattle.

But beneath the armor, the man still remains,

A lost soul seeking redemption, from his endless pains.

His past haunts him, like a specter from beyond the grave,

And he seeks to find peace, before he meets his final wave.

So he marches on, through the stars and the skies,

The dark lord of the Sith, with a tear in his eyes. 

And though his path may be dark, and his heart full of strife, 

He still holds out hope for a better, brighter life.

 Nature of the Galaxy

Amidst the stars, a saga doth unfold,

A galaxy at war, a rebel’s fight,

The force be with them, brave and bold,

To stand against the dark side’s might.


A Jedi knight with lightsaber in hand,

His quest to bring balance to the force,

A villain, with evil plans grand,

A Sith Lord, his power to endorse.


But love and friendship, a beacon of hope,

Through trials and battles, they endure,

Their strength and courage, a way to cope,

Their faith and loyalty, a guiding lure.


Oh, Star Wars, thy tale doth inspire,

To reach for the stars, and never tire.

Amidst the stars, a saga doth unfold,

A galaxy at war, a rebel’s fight,

The force be with them, brave and bold,

To stand against the dark side’s might.

A Jedi knight with lightsaber in hand,

His quest to bring balance to the force,

A villain, with evil plans grand,

A Sith Lord, his power to endorse.

But love and friendship, a beacon of hope,

Through trials and battles, they endure,

Their strength and courage, a way to cope,

Their faith and loyalty, a guiding lure.

Oh, Star Wars, thy tale doth inspire,

To reach for the stars, and never tire.

Story of a Jedi

A long time ago, in a galaxy far,

A story of heroes, both brave and true,

Their fate intertwined, a force to spar,

Their choices are pivotal, what will they do?

The Skywalker clan, a family torn,

Father and son, both sides to choose,

A redemption path, can it be born,

Or a fate of darkness, they’ll refuse.

The Jedi Order, with wisdom and might,

To protect the peace, with lightsabers aglow,

Their code to follow, a righteous fight,

Against tyranny and evil’s shadow.

Oh, Star Wars, thy epic tale we cherish,

To the force, thy legacy we nourish.

Losing A Loved One

Losing someone you love can be so hard,

It feels like the world has left you scarred.

You try to hold on to memories so tight,

But they slip away, like a bird in flight.

A family member, so close and dear,

Their passing leaves you filled with fear.

The pain and grief, they seem to last,

A heavy burden, that's hard to cast.

You remember the laughter, the tears,

The moments that spanned throughout the years.

The love that was shared, so pure and true,

It's hard to imagine a world without you.

But as time goes by, the pain does ease,

And you find a way to carry on with ease.

You hold on to the love that remains,

And the memories that continue to sustain.

Though you may never forget the loss,

You find a way to accept the cost.

You remember the one you loved so well,

And the impact they had, those words cannot tell.

So hold onto the memories, dear,

And keep them close, forever near.

For even though they may be gone,

Their love and spirit will always carry on


Springtime blooms with new delight,

As winter fades into the night,

The world awakens, fresh and new,

And bursts with colors, bright and true.

Soft green grass beneath my feet,

A gentle breeze, so warm and sweet,

Birds singing from each tree and bough,

Their melodies fill the air somehow.

Cherry blossoms, delicate and pink,

Against a sky of blue, they wink,

And daffodils with heads held high,

Dancing in the sun, never shy.

The air is sweet, with fragrant smells,

Of budding flowers and petals' swells,

As nature paints a vibrant scene,

A springtime paradise, so serene.

This season fills my heart with glee,

For it brings the hope of what can be,

A time of growth and endless change,

As everything is reborn and rearranged.

So let us welcome spring's embrace,

And revel in its warmth and grace,

For with each new bloom and tree,

We find our own renewal and new destiny.