Creative Writing 2022-2023 » Miranda Perez

Miranda Perez


My name is Miranda Perez Trejo, I am a senior at SJVA and this school year and I found a love for poetry. Writing poetry gave me an outlet to express my feelings and past experiences without saying much. Everyone who comes across your work will interpret it differently or have a different takeaway, that’s the beauty of it. Poetry quickly became something I gravitate towards, I felt I could freely express myself without feeling judged.  


Without You 

Your absence taught me how to eat without you

How to breathe without you

How to live without you

Time taught me peace

How to love me without you 

I Loved You

I love you, more than I ever loved me

I lost myself trying to find you

Trying to save us

Now we're both gone

I lost myself, I don't know who I am

But I know who I want to be

Good Morning 

It happened, he was gone

It happened, he's not here anymore

The feeling of opening your eyes

And remembering you're gone

I never thought the darkness would be my peace

For a split second, I was okay

Then the sun came out

Good morning 


You refuse to meet my parents

No dates when the sun was out

You weren't ready

You left without saying goodby

But you were ready for her?

I was something for you to do

I was your hobby

I kept you entertained while you waited for her

I was only ever your hobb

First Sight

I saw you standing there

My eyes were drawn to you

The moment I saw you I knew

You had to be mine

I saw you standing there

My eyes were drawn to you

The moment I saw you I knew

You had to be mine

Falling in Love

You are my favorite first 

My favorite love at first sight

First person to make me feel loved

First to take me on a date

First to make me fall in love

First to break my heart


I knew you before

I never thought there would be an After

An after you, ill miss you forever

First Place

He let the silence win

Once it wins, it's over


His colors are stunning

Pink, Blue, Orange, and Yellow

The beautiful blend 

He has always been beautiful 

Let Go

What once caused you to love, causes you tears 

Hurt lasts a lifetime 

Once it starts being painful 

Let it go


Even though he was there

He was never truly there

There was always an emptiness in her heart

I'm Sorry

You were always hurting me

For some reason

I was always apologizing

You cheated but I'm sorry

I'm sorry for not giving you attention



Funny isn't it 

High School

It comes to an end



Everything comes to an end


How did I get here 

In a blink, it's all gone

It cant be

I'm not done 


The moment the cloth touches my face

To the second it's off

Everything is different

Why can't I see myself in the mirror

And think

I look pretty


I took my Senior graduation pictures

I'm going to college

I got my second car

I got a new job

I'm looking at apartments

I'm finally growing up

And you? 

You will never grow up

You will always be thirteen


I will never let anyone get close enough

What if they leave

Just like you did 

It's safer to keep them away

I miss you every day