Kindergarten » Educational Resources

Educational Resources

We have complied a list of the applications our Kindergarten students use throughout the school year to support their academic development and achievement. 
Application Logo Grade Levels Purpose How to Access Additional Comments
Google TK-12 Learning management system Generated for each student upon enrollment
Google Classroom TK-12 Space for communication between teacher and students Contact teacher for password resets
Zoom TK-12 Host live meetings with students and teachers for virtual instruction Links posted in Google Classroom
Clever TK-12 One stop for all applications and remembers login information Clever is already installed on borrowed devices
Seesaw TK-K Used by students to complete some assignments N/A
Smarty Ants TK-2 Helps students gain foundational literacy skills Must be worked on independently to guarantee student success
Epic! TK-5 Digital library where required resources can be accessed Code provided by teacher