Policies, Plans, Reports and Resolutions:
- Resolutionon COVID Vaccine Mandate
- SJVA General Complaint Policy
- Uniform Complaint Policy and Procedures
- Board Approved Bullying Policy
- Suspension and Expulsion Policy
- Title IX Sexual Harassment and Grievance Procedure
- Meal Charge Policy 2021-2022 ENGLISH
- Meal Charge Policy 2021-2022 SPANISH
- Comprehensive School Safety Plan
- 2021-22 Budget Over view for Parents
- SJVA SARP 2021-2022: Student Accountability Report Card
- SJVA SARP 2021-2022: Informe de Responsabilidad Escolar (Spanish)
- SJVA LCAP 2022-2023: Local Control and Accountability Plan
- SJVA LCAP 2024-2025: Local Control and Accountability Plan Annual
- Prop 28 Arts and Music in School Funding Annual Report Fiscal Year 2023-2024
- Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant Plan